Thanksgiving Casserole

What is Thanksgiving casserole you ask? Um…just all the tasty goodness of a Thanksgiving feast in casserole form. This is another one of those things I’ve been making for years. I personally LOVE Thanksgiving. It’s one of my favorite meals of the entire year and it makes me sad that we only eat it once a year.

Solution: Thanksgiving Casserole!


Here’s the deal this one won’t have an official “recipe card” because each person makes the components of thanksgiving different so you can make this your family’s way. But basically I make a pan of stuffing (my favorite dish on the Thanksgiving table), a pot of mashed potatoes, mix some carrots and peas together and then make some turkey and gravy. For the turkey, I usually just buy a turkey breast and dice it into bite-sized cubes and saute in a pan and add in gravy. Then you just layer all those things together.

I put the stuffing on the bottom, then turkey and gravy, followed by the vegetables then topped with mashed potatoes. If you want the full Thanksgiving experience you can mix in some dried cranberries to your stuffing or serve with a side of cranberry sauce. And then bake the whole thing in the oven for about half-hour or until bubbling.


In full disclosure, this is a little more time consuming to make than most meals but it makes a full pan so lots of leftovers and freezes really well.


Lastly, for those of you with little ones at home, I put a big scoop of this into the food processor for little man and he was all about it!


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