
Registered Dietitian.


Foster mom.


Yup, you read those right. I’m a Chef, Registered Dietitian, photographer and foster mom. Clearly, I’m one of those people that likes to take on too much.

But I am also one of those lucky people that not only has one thing they are passionate about but a handful and I’ve gotten to do them all which is pretty freaking awesome. But anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to talk about pretty much anything and everything and I’ve wanted a space to put all my thoughts for quite some time now.

So here it is. Peas and Pixels.

It’s going to be a little bit of everything. First and foremost I promise to share some tasty delicious recipes (mostly because friends and family have been begging me to start a food blog since before blogging became a thing) but I will also be sharing some good old fashioned nutrition advice from a more holistic side, a little bit of what my life looks like as a professional photographer and my journey as a foster mom and parent.

The blog will grow as I grow and my family grows with the goal of adding some biological children and some more foster kiddos to our home to the lofty goal of growing all my own fruits and vegetables and raising chickens.

I’m crunchy but not too crunchy, opinionated but open-minded, loud but excited, and pretty much obsessed with food so read it all or pick and choose the topics that you find the most interesting.

Want to know a little more about Peas & Pixels check out But First…

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Let me introduce you to my person: This is Kevin

I’d love to say long story short but in our case, our story is actually really short. Met on a dating app (yup, one of those couples), talked for a few weeks, finally went on a date and pretty much decided on date #2 that we found our person and we were getting married. Got engaged 5 months later and are tying the knot later this year on what is the anniversary of our first date. “When you know you know” apparently isn’t just something people say, it’s actually a thing.

Our life is crazy beautiful in all the best ways possible and pretty entertaining most days so you will for sure hear his name dropped every once in a while around here so I figured why not have a face to put to the name, right?


My other person is this itty bitty little guy

For his privacy he will remain faceless for the time being. Little man (as he will be referred to) is a very cute, smiley, foster kiddo. He came into my life at just 12 days old and just celebrated his 6 month birthday. He is the baby that made me a mom and I’m pretty sure he totally gets the magnitude of that.

I’ve got a lot to say about foster care so you will for sure hear a lot more about him in addition to just all the mommy things that I’m learning as I go.