Sweet Potato Lentil Stew

Last year I decided to attempt to tackle growing my own sweet potatoes after being inspired by Rob Greenfield. (If you like all things gardening and self sustaining environmentally friendly I seriously recommend following him on instagram.) I planted a few not thinking much of it but after a few months I actually got some sweet potatoes and I have been continuing to get more so when I meal planned for my corona virus month challenge I took to pinterest for some recipe ideas for sweet potatoes and stumbled upon Ginger Sweet Potato and Coconut Milk Stew with Lentils and Kale and knew it was perfect. Lentils are a pantry staple in my house that I never seem to eat enough of and I had some beautiful organic kale from a local garden waiting for the perfect recipe.

I followed the recipe basically just as is and was so excited to eat it when it was cooked that I never even took a picture of the finished product but wanted to share a photo of our homegrown sweet potatoes (check out the twin). Also, for all the mommies out there this was one that I also used the opportunity to use to make baby food so while I cut the veggies for the stew I also added some sweet potato and kale to a pot to cook and turned that into baby food. The next day I did end up giving the baby some of the leftover lentil stew too which he loved.


Peach Picking

